WECSSO is a non-profit organization whose stated purpose is to develop and organize sports and recreational activities for people who are fifty-five years of age and older, and who reside in Essex County.
WECCSO welcomes both males and females, and does not discriminate as to racial, religious, or ethnic backgrounds or preferences.
WECSSO is governed and directed by a Board of Directors which is made up of members who are elected by the entire membership.
Which Division Should I Play In?
The WECSSO baseball league is made up of players age 55 or older, most of whom are retired. Wanting to provide for friendly competition in a safe environment, the WECSSO Board of Directors have divided the league into three divisions, based on players with similar skill and competitive levels. Another consideration is preference for days of play. All games are played at the Ciociaro Softball Complex, off of North Talbot Rd. Batting practice and warm ups are from 9:00 to 9:45am. Infield practice is from 9:45 to 10:00am, with the games starting at 10:00am.
The Red division plays on Monday and Wednesday mornings. It is mostly comprised of the more highly skilled and experienced players. Often these players have played some level of competitive baseball most of their lives. A lot of these players tend to be on the younger end of the age scale.
The Blue division plays on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. This division also has many capable and skilled players. But more players are of average skill level and less competitive experience. They may not hit the ball as hard or throw the ball as hard as the players in the Red division.
The Green division plays on Monday and Wednesday mornings. This division is made up of players who maybe, because of age or a nagging injury, have lost a step or two. The desire to play and compete is still there though. Also, this is a good division for people who have never played baseball very much, but want to come out and try.
1/ Mostly the Blue Division time delays due to Courtesy Runner selection: Too much time was spent trying to figure out who the eligible courtesy runner was supposed to be. Sometimes the wrong courtesy runner reported in at 1st base. It seemed EVERY game in Blue Div. was held up at least once or more for 2-3 even 5 minutes for this. This situation infringes on the game “time limit” rule. This situation disrupted the games and was the basis for arguments as well. For the sake of making the game progress with reasonable consideration of the time rule, it is suggested that we return to allowing any player of the team to courtesy run, however, that runner may courtesy run only once per inning. Coaches will be advised that when drafting their team players will have to take into account players that are “good runners” as well as those players who may need regular courtesy runners. Proposed courtesy runners have the option “not to courtesy run” for any reason and should not feel obligated to run. After discussing this situation with several players, there seems to be a consensus to change the Courtesy Runner eligibility process.
2/ Without prejudice: In the process of election of new officers/committee, it was noted in the October 2, 2024 elections that one or more of the candidates that were running for positions were observed in the handing out, collection and counting of the ballots. This “fox guarding the hen house” scenario is not only conflict of interest but just not a fair election process. Although no disrespect against the candidate(s) involved is intended, and this is not intended to highlight these people, it is suggested that Constitution include a rule to restrict candidates from being involved in the ballot distribution, collection and counting processes.
If there is a further formal process necessary to submit these suggestions that requires more input, feel free to contact me so that we may conform to the process.
Thanks for your suggestions. They will be forwarded to the WECSSO Executive at the next meeting.