2025 Summer Slo-Pitch Registration Reminder

Greetings Everyone,

Although it may not feel or look like it, Spring is around the corner.  Hope everyone had a safe, healthy and happy holiday season.
A reminder that registrations are due at the end of this month, January 31st. 
If you have already registered, thank you.  If not,  you still have time to register to save your spot.  Just click on Summer Slo-Pitch Registration from the menu on our home page.
Your Executive and Committee’s are working towards the 2025 season. It will be ball season before we know it.

Door Prizes for Wednesday October 16th Annual Banquet

Greetings everyone,

Our Annual Banquet is just around the corner.  How is it already September?
As in years past, anyone wishing to provide a door prize for the banquet, your generosity is welcome.
Over the next several weeks, Patti and Barbara will be collecting door prizes at the ball park before and after the games.  Bringing the donation to the AGM on October 2nd also works.
Anyone wishing for a letter from WECSSO, that states you are collecting for our banquet, can get one from me, upon request.  Should an organization request a receipt, we will provide it.
Thank you for your generosity, it is greatly appreciated.
Any questions. comments are concerns, let us know.  Looking forward to seeing everyone at the banquet on Wednesday October 16th at Ciociaro.
Social Committee

August 2024 Update

August is turning out to be a very busy month.  Lots going on and lots of events coming up.

Where has the summer gone?  Besides too many rain dates!

August 17thDay of Remembrance – Dieppe Park, 10:00 am.  Deceased members are honoured with an engraved brick.  Please attend to show the family our support and recognition of our missing WECSSO members.

August 23- Golf Tournament – Orchard View Golf Course – Spaces still available.  Last day to register is August 15th.  See Mike Palenchar for more information mikepalenchar1@outlook.com

Playoffs – are just around the corner:

          Blue Division – Tuesday, August 20th

          Green Division – Monday, August 26th

          Red Division – September 16th

 Annual General Meeting – October 2nd   – 1 pm at Ciociaro Club. All members should attend!  Purpose to review the year’s activities and elect 6 members to our Board of Directors.  If you have any questions or concerns about our organization, this meeting is for you.  More information to follow.

Annual Banquet – October 16th – Ciociaro Club – Tickets on sale starting August 12th – $25 – with a $10.00 refund at the door for players only.   Last day for ticket sales will be at the AGM October 2nd.  Guests are encouraged to attend.

More information to follow. 

Indoor BaseballNovember – is full and registration is closed. 

Appreciation Lunch

Another great day spent with fellow players and teammates.  Thanks to Unifor Local #444 for their generous donation and to the organizers and volunteers who made it happen.

Canned Food Drive

The Downtown Mission received 1200 pounds of food and canned goods.  In addition, our members gave $1140.00 in cash to buy additional food items.

Thank you for making a difference!

Sponsorships to Date

It is the mandate of WECSSO to support organized sport leagues and other activities.

Dragon Boat – $1000 – Wonder Broads – breast cancer survivors

Downtown Mission – $1140  and 1200 pounds of food

Windsor South Canadians – $1500 – Provincial Championship

Forest Glade Baseball League – $350 – sponsor a team

University of Windsor – $600 –  Women’s Fastball – monies towards a pitching machine

Goodfellows – $500 – donation

Canned Food Drive

A huge THANK YOU to all our members who gave so generously to the Canned Food Drive last week. 

What a great difference you have made!   Thanks to Jack Bump and helpers for organizing the event.

The Downtown Mission received 1200 pounds of food and canned goods.  In addition, our members gave another $1140.00 in cash towards the purchase of additional food goods. 

What an outstanding response to the needs of our community!