AGM Information

Dear members,

Our Annual AGM is on October 2nd, 2024 at 1 pm at Ciociaro, Salon F.

Please find below the documents you need to be fully informed. 

AGM Agenda 2024 Oct 2nd

WECSSO Financials AGM Sep 2024

Minutes of WECSSO AGM 2023


  • Article 3 B. The Board of Directors shall be made up of 12 members elected from and by the general membership at annual meetings. It will also include any Past Presidents who will have voting rights.

Six directors shall be elected annually for 2-year terms; which means that there will be a carryover of 6 directors each year for purposes of continuity on the board. In the event of vacancies on the Board before any term of office is up, replacements shall be filled according to the votes at the previous general election.

To be eligible for election to the Board of Directors, candidates must be in good standing and in attendance at the annual meeting, or have submitted a signed letter of intent.

Proposed changes to Article 3 B: The Board of Directors shall be made up of 13 members elected from and by the general membership at annual meetings. There shall be no grandfathering of Past Presidents.

Six directors shall be elected annually for 2-year terms; which means that there will be a carryover of 6 directors each year for purposes of continuity on the board. In the event of vacancies on the Board before any term of office is up, replacements shall be filled according to the votes at the previous general election. The new position of President shall be the 13th member of the Board. This position will be elected annually by the general membership at annual meetings. This position will oversee the running of the Board of Directors and WECSSO in general. There is no limit on the number of years a person can run for President, this shall be decided by the general membership.

To be eligible for election to the Board of Directors, candidates must be a fully registered and full-time playing member of WECSSO. Full time means the candidate must prove that they played a vast majority of games during the season in the year of the annual meeting. Injury shall be considered a valid reason for missing games. Illness, work and vacation time will not be considered as valid reasons for absence.

  • Article 3 D. Officers of the Board of Directors shall be elected annually from and by the members of the Board and the Past President(s) and shall consist of a:

Proposed changes to Article 3 D: Officers of the Board of Directors, excluding the President, shall be elected annually from and by the members of Board. Only the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary shall be entrusted with handling amounts of money exceeding $250.00.

The position of Registrar will be changed from a Position of Responsibility to an Officer of the board. This position will also be entrusted with handling amounts of money exceeding $250.00 to facilitate the collection of monies from players, coaches, etc. at various functions.

Past President: shall be for a term of one year, in an advisory capacity to the incoming President. The Past President position shall NOT have any voting rights.

Article 4 A. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be called by the President as he or she deems needed.

Proposed changes to Article 4 A. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held on the same day of the week and time monthly. This day and time will be discussed, and the calendar set at the first meeting of a newly elected board to be decided on. Should any meeting be deemed unnecessary a vote of the Board by email and/or phone will be needed to cancel a scheduled meeting. Nine votes will be necessary to cancel a meeting.

  • Proposed change: Any and all proposed changes passed by the general membership at the annual meeting October 2, 2024, shall go into effect immediately when passed.

Our Constitution can be found under the “About Us” section on the menu.