Indoor Rosters, Schedule, Rules & Code of Conduct for 2024-25 Season

Indoor Rosters 2024 to 2025

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5
Brian Schauer (Mgr) Bill Kaschak (Mgr) Mike Palenchar (Mgr) Aldo Bertucci (Mgr) Gord Beaudoin (Mgr)
Tim Bondy (Dec 17) Roy Costa Ron Ottogalli (Mgr) Scott McDowall (Mgr) Kevin Sivell (Mgr)
Glen Gedge John Crispo Brian Adlam Joe Donlon/Rick Anderson Rick Chittle
John Goerzen Mark Duguay Ralph Bonelli Jim Knudsen Tony D’Andrea
Glenn Gorrick Mario Farina Al Dupuis Dave Lariviere Pat Dool
Ted Griffith John Frabotta Al Garrant Randy Meloche Dan Dool
Mike Hamlin Dennis Kitely Pat Gaudette Patti Mouland Tom Goebel
Dan Hennessy Doug Parent Paul Laidlaw Brian Renaud Tony DiPasquale
Gord Hillman Bud Renaud Butch Maisonneuve Wayne Roussell Ken Drew
Barbara Sanders John Rudak Jim Rovere Al Setterington Tom Rigg
Roger Tofflemire Tim Westfall Roger White Dave Woodall Gord Wright
Arlene Young     Keith Thibert  

Indoor Schedule 2024 to 2025

2024-25 Indoor Season Schedule
Date Time V vs H Time V vs H Bye
5-Nov 9:30am 1 vs 2 11:00am 3 vs 4 5
12-Nov 9:30am 5 vs 1 11:00am 2 vs 3 4
19-Nov 9:30am 4 vs 5 11:00am 1 vs 3 2
26-Nov 9:30am 2 vs 4 11:00am 3 vs 5 1
3-Dec 9:30am 4 vs 1 11:00am 5 vs 2 3
10-Dec 9:30am 4 vs 3 11:00am 2 vs 1 5
17-Dec 9:30am 3 vs 2 11:00am 1 vs 5 4
31-Dec 9:30am 3 vs 1 11:00am 5 vs 4 2
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
7-Jan 9:30am 5 vs 3 11:00am 4 vs 2 1
14-Jan 9:30am 2 vs 5 11:00am 1 vs 4 3
21-Jan 9:30am 1 vs 2 11:00am 3 vs 4 5
28-Jan 9:30am 5 vs 1 11:00am 2 vs 3 4
4-Feb 9:30am 4 vs 5 11:00am 1 vs 3 2
11-Feb 9:30am 2 vs 4 11:00am 3 vs 5 1
18-Feb 9:30am 4 vs 1 11:00am 5 vs 2 3
25-Feb 9:30am 4 vs 3 11:00am 2 vs 1 5
4-Mar 9:30am 3 vs 2 11:00am 1 vs 5 4
11-Mar 9:30am 3 vs 1 11:00am 5 vs 4 2
18-Mar 9:30am 5 vs 3 11:00am 4 vs 2 1
25-Mar 9:30am 2 vs 5 11:00am 1 vs 4 3
1-Apr 9:30am 1 vs 2 11:00am 3 vs 4 5
8-Apr 9:30am 5 vs 1 11:00am 2 vs 3 4
15-Apr 9:30am 4 vs 5 11:00am 1 vs 3 2
22-Apr 9:30am 2 vs 4 11:00am 3 vs 5 1
29-Apr 9:30am 4 vs 1 11:00am 5 vs 2 3
Visiting team left-Gray, Home team right-Blue, Green, Red
Team Manager
1 Brian Schauer  (519) 567-3281
2 Bill Kaschak  (519) 981-7875
3 Mike Palenchar (519) 733-4185
  Ron Ottogalli (519) 944-5635
4 Aldo Bertucci (519) 560-7153
  Scott McDowall (519) 551-6402
5 Gord Beaudoin (519) 982- 6583
  Kevin Sivell (519) 992-0548

Rules For Indoor Ball 2024-25

1. Force play at every base.
2. Runners can run through the base.
3. Pitch count starts at 1-1, allowed one foul ball on 3rd strike.
4. Walks may be rejected. Count remains.
5. Maximum runs per inning Five.
6. Ball hits net in FAIR – lands in FOUL territory – FAIR BALL.
7. Ball hits net in Foul – lands in FAIR territory – FOUL Ball.
8. Infielders must play in front of white line, outfielders play behind white line.
9. Runners cannot be thrown out at first if ball lands behind the white line (OF).
10.Once ball goes out of bounds (white outer line), advance One Base Only.
11.Fair ball that goes into the hall area is Two Bases.
12.Fair ball that hits half way up the back wall is a Home Run.
13.Depending on time last inning may be declared Three outs or Unlimited runs.
14.Courtesy runners allowed for injured players upon request.
15.Runners from the backstop are allowed but cannot proceed from first base.
16.Only approved bats (thumb print) may be used.
17.Umpire decisions are final -refrain from arguing a call – “grin and bear it”.
18.WECSSO Code of Conduct applies to indoor ball as well.
19.No standings are kept, No playoffs, – scores are kept for “bragging rights” only
20.Winning takes a back seat to having FUN! FUN! FUN!
21.If screen is used by a pitcher and the ball hits the screen-Dead ball & No strike.
22.If ball hits designated rafter (beam) – Dead ball & No strike.
23.If a Fair ball gets stuck in netting then base hit runners (if any) Advance One
24.If a Fair ball gets stuck in the soccer goal netting then Advance Two bases.
25.Above ALL-remember it is JUST A GAME!!!!!

Code of Conduct Indoor 2024-25

The atmosphere is different from summer slo-pitch. There is only one division
made up with players of different athletic abilities be it hitting, catching or running.
The players who sign up are there because they have heard how much fun it is and
the comradery amongst the players. Winning is secondary to having a good time
playing a game that we love. Players know that they will not be yelled at or
berated for mistakes that they make, by fellow players. Players are encouraged not
to discourage when they make an error(s), fail to hit in key situations or make base
running blunders. Players are treated fairly and respectfully by fellow players.
Negative behaviour towards any player will be dealt with swiftly and immediately
by your friendly co-convenors.
We will have two volunteer umpires and their call right or wrong is final. If you
think that an umpire missed a call, keep it to yourself. Negative behaviour towards
an umpire will not be tolerated and is not acceptable. Once again, the co-convenors
will take the action necessary to convince you that your behaviour is not conducive
to displaying good sportsmanship. Players are playing indoor ball due to its
relaxed atmosphere and being active in the winter months. As stated previously,
winning is secondary, having fun and enjoying the camaraderie with fellow players
is primary.
We expect that anyone playing indoor winter ball agrees with the above principles
and agrees to abide by them, and will always display good sportsmanship-not to do
so goes against the spirit of indoor ball.
Ron Ottogalli
Mike Palenchar